Accessibility Statement

Last updated March 01, 2024

Introduction: (“Parvisor”) is committed to ensuring that our Software as a Service (SAAS) platform is accessible to all users, including individuals with disabilities. We strive to provide an inclusive and user-friendly experience for everyone, regardless of their abilities or assistive technologies. This Accessibility Statement outlines our efforts to enhance accessibility and make our platform usable by a diverse audience.  

Accessibility Features: 

Parvisor is continuously working towards improving the accessibility of our platform. Here are some of the key accessibility features we have implemented:  

  • Keyboard Navigation: Users can navigate through our platform using only a keyboard, without the need for a mouse.  
  • Screen Reader Support: Parvisor is compatible with popular screen readers, enabling users with visual impairments to access content.  
  • Alt Text for Images: All non-decorative images on our platform are accompanied by descriptive alternative text (alt text) to provide context for screen reader users.  
  • Focus Indicators: Interactive elements have clear focus indicators, ensuring users can identify where they are on the page easily.  
  • High Contrast Mode: We offer a high contrast mode for users who benefit from increased color contrast.  
  • Adjustable Font Sizes: Users can adjust the font size to accommodate their reading preferences.  
  • Responsive Design: Our platform is designed to be responsive and accessible on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.  

Compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): 

Parvisor endeavors to adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA, to ensure the accessibility of our platform. These guidelines are recognized as the international standard for web accessibility, and we regularly conduct accessibility assessments and audits to identify and address potential issues.  

Ongoing Efforts: 

We are committed to the ongoing improvement of accessibility on Our development team receives training on accessibility best practices, and we conduct regular accessibility testing to identify and resolve any barriers to accessibility. 

Feedback and Support: 

Your feedback is essential to our accessibility efforts. If you encounter any accessibility barriers while using Parvisor or have suggestions for improvement, please contact our support team at []. We welcome your input and will strive to address your concerns promptly. 

Third-Party Content: 

While we make every effort to ensure the accessibility of our platform, some third-party content integrated into Parvisor may not be fully accessible. We encourage users to notify us of any issues they encounter with third-party content so we can work towards finding solutions. 

External Accessibility Resources: 

If you would like to learn more about web accessibility or need additional assistance, we recommend exploring the following resources:  

  • Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) –  
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) –  
  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) – 

Contact Information: 

For inquiries related to our accessibility efforts or to report accessibility barriers, please contact our support team at:  

Email: []  

 By providing an accessible platform, we aim to ensure that all users can benefit from the features and functionalities offered by  

Date of Last Update: March 01, 2024